Home Eco-friendly Going Green With Diet and Nutrition

Going Green With Diet and Nutrition

by admin

Healthy Choices for Your Body and the Planet

When we think about going green, one tends to think about renewable energy sources or energy conservation or alternative energy.  What one might not think about immediately is the importance of maintaining a green diet.  A green diet is not only for the benefit of your body, though it is infinitely more healthful than most diets, but it also serves greater humanity and the global environment.

In terms of diet and nutrition, going green means choosing foods that will have little to no impact on the environment, a positive impact on your health and therefore benefit humanity as a whole.

Healthy Hints for Going Green

Buy local. By supporting your local farms you will not only be supporting local businesses as opposed to large, national chains, but you will be ensuring that you get fresh food that is grown locally and consumed locally.  You will be eliminated the need for unnecessary emissions that would be used to transport this food in bulk across the country.

Eat fresh fruit and vegetables in abundance. The human body needs fruits and vegetables to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.  By eating fresh fruits and vegetables (locally farmed), not only will your body thank you, but you are eating produce that can be renewed and is therefore sustainable.  No hormones or scientifically altered animals are necessary for a healthy meal of fruits and veggies.

Avoid processed foods and factory farmed meats. Not only do these factories that process food and meat harm our environment immensely and mistreat animals unnecessarily, but they produce terribly unhealthy foods for mass consumption.  They are responsible for the escalating incidences of cancer and other deadly diseases, they play a hand in the growing problem of heart disease and strongly propel the obesity epidemic in America.

Grow a garden. The only thing better than buying locally is to grow it yourself!  Give it a try, I think you will find the fruits and vegetables you harvest yourself will even taste better.

So remember when you are trying to preserve your waistline, the healthiest and most effective way may just be to also preserve the earth at the same time.

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