The latest in our ‘How to feed a family’ series also features some great tips on how to convince a 6-year-old to eat gourmet food.
Welcome to the latest post in TreeHugger’s series, “How to feed a family.” Every week we talk to a different person about how they approach the never-ending challenge of feeding themselves and other household members. We get the inside scoop on how they grocery shop, meal plan, and food prep to make it go more smoothly.
Parents work so hard to feed their children and themselves, to put healthy meals on the table, to avoid spending a fortune at the grocery store, and to fit it all around busy work and school schedules. It’s a feat worthy of more praise than it commonly gets, which is why we want to highlight it – and hopefully learn from it in the process. This week we talk to Kate, who loves good food and makes a point of teaching her daughter to appreciate it too.
Names: Kate (45), Adam (45), and daughter (6 and three-quarters!)
Location: Austin, Texas
Employment: Both parents work full-time, and Kate works from home three days a week.
Weekly food budget: US$250